Boost the return on your Google Ads investment

Hide your ads from fraudulent users, bots, and competitors.
Payment Secured

Trusted by over 1500 customers in 50+ countries

Clicks that are fraudulent

What is the cost to you of this?

Scammers, Competitors, Bots, malicious publishers, Users with no interest, disgruntled customers, Enemies, accidental clicks...

A global issue, click fraud impacts ninety percent of pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements. Due mostly to organized fraud organizations, $76 billion was lost in 2019 as a consequence of fake clicks. Your budget may be being eaten up by a variety of foes. Unbeknownst to you, you will be squandering anywhere from 10% to 35% of your expenditure on clicks from people who will never purchase your good or service.

Take immediate action and automatically

Without any additional effort from you, your campaigns will be able to get better every month.

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No-Cost Analysis

Analyze your advertisements' fraudulent click spend for free, without any restrictions.

Simple to set up

No coding is needed; after creating your account, the algorithm begins to function in less than three minutes.

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shield character graphics

Operates independently

analyzes and finds click fraud from your advertising so you don't have to worry about anything.

Safeguard your account.

By keeping advertisements hidden from bots and those who have little interest in them, you may avoid losing money on click fraud.

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What support can we give you?

We make sure that the individuals who are interested in you see your ads.

24/7 protection

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Detection rules

Coding Laptop Screen Shape Graphics

Automatic IP blocking

Speed Meter Shape Graphics

Real-Time Detection


Multiple Accounts & Domains


For free, without requiring a credit card, you may analyze how much money you’re spending on fraudulent clicks for as long as you like.


Our goal is simple: To eliminate click fraud for you.

Your advertisements are safeguarded by Click-leadz 365 days a year, seven days a week. By automatically detecting and stopping fraud, our solution may increase your Google AdWords conversion rate by up to 35%.









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Year Experiences

Start Saving Time with Click-leadz



We monitor each click you make. takes place in the search or display of your network adverts. IP Account, Range, Location, Single Device, Keyword are all present.

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